de maiwand atalan f.c. 뜻
- 데 마이완드 아탈란 FC
- f.c.: phrase, fielder's choice, follow copy F.C.
- de abasin sape f.c.: 데 아바신 사페 FC
- de spin ghar bazan f.c.: 데 스핀 가르 바잔 FC
- f.c. paços de ferreira: FC 파수스드페헤이라 FC 파수스드페헤이라
- f.c. paços de ferreira players: FC 파수스드페헤이라의 축구 선수
- c.a.f., c.a.f.: phrase, cost and freight
- c.f.: carried forward, centrifugal force, Chaplain to the Forces, cost and freight c/f x, carried forward(다음으로)이월
- c/f: phrase, carried forward(다음으로)이월 C.F. carried forward, centrifugal force, Chaplain to the Forces, cost and freight
- f.a.c.s.: phrase, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
- f.c.: phrase, fielder's choice, follow copy F.C. x, Football Club, Free Church
- f.c.a.: phrase, Farm Credit Administratio, Fellow of the (Institute of)Chartered Accountants
- f.c.s.: phrase, Fellow of the Chemical Society
- c.p.f.f.: phrase, cost plus fixed fee
- c.u.a.f.c.: phrase, Cambridge University Association Football Club